Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mosiah 4

1. In 4:1-2 everyone falls to the ground and asks for the atoning blood to be applied to them.  This is clear Day of Atonement behavior.

2. 4:11-12 is more temple imagery.  Glory is what fills the temple.  Tasting "of" the "love" of God is eating the fruit of the tree, the peace offering.  I like the promise that you can grow in your knowledge of the glory.

3. 4:13 and of course, you will leave "peaceably", "peaceable" being "shalem", also meaning completed, reminding us of Leviticus 7:11 and Matthew 5:48.

4. 4:21 reminds us of the Sermon on the Mount, the triple petition before entering into the strait gate.


  1. Re: 3 - So would you say you're drawing a parallel between peace and perfection?

  2. I would say the Hebrew language sees them as related.

  3. I would say that drawing this connection sits better with my understanding of perfection. Perfection that is completion is much more satisfying than some the common modern conceptions of the unattainable as separate from us.

  4. Oh, for sure. Reading Matt 5:48 to say you just have to be perfect, period, is discouraging. "Be complete, be at peace, be initiated" is much more satisfying and comprehensible, I think.

  5. Yeah, and tying that back in to Genesis 1 brings it all back home.

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