Sunday, July 22, 2012

Treasure up the Things Which Ye Have Seen and Heard

The brother of Jared's shalem experience continues.  He is admitted into the Lord's presence (the Holy of Holies).  The Lord "ministers" unto him, as he ministered to the Nephites.

And we have this curious note: it is because of the brother of Jared's knowledge that he could not be kept from within the veil.

Moroni tells us he is only summarizing a longer account; the Lord tells the brother of Jared to "treasure up the things which ye have seen and heard, and show it to no man."

This last is provocative for two reasons:

1.  The language of laying up treasures comes from the Worship of the Shalems.

2. The commandment of silence appears to be laid on one man ("thou shalt not suffer"), perhaps indicating the leadership role of the brother of Jared.  But the remainder of the admonition is to a plural audience: "ye shall treasure up the things which ye have seen and heard."

This suggests that the brother of Jared led some set of his people through the Worship of the Shalems.

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